Printable Beginner French Worksheets

Learning a new language is an exciting experience, and it’s never too early to start! If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce your kids to the French language, this free kindergarten learning worksheet is the perfect place to begin.

Beginners’ French Worksheet

Beginners’ French WorksheetThis worksheet is designed specifically for beginners, so it’s easy to follow and understand. It’s also completely free, so you can print out as many copies as you need and share it with your friends, family, or students.

On the worksheet, your child will be introduced to basic French words and phrases related to colors, animals, numbers, and clothing. They’ll learn to spell and pronounce each word correctly, and they’ll also get to practice writing the words in French.

This worksheet is an excellent way to instill a love for learning in your child. Not only will they learn a new language, but they’ll become confident learners who are excited to explore new topics and concepts.

Using the Worksheet

Before starting the worksheet, it’s important to create a positive and encouraging learning environment for your child. Find a comfortable and quiet spot to work in, and make sure your child has all the necessary materials, such as pencils, crayons, and erasers.

Begin by introducing the worksheet to your child and explaining what they will be learning. Emphasize the importance of taking their time and doing their best. Encourage them to ask questions if they’re unsure about anything.

Next, work through each section of the worksheet together. Read the French words aloud and have your child repeat them. Then, have your child spell and write each word on the worksheet. Make sure they’re using the correct pronunciation and spelling.

As you work through each section, encourage your child to have fun and be creative. Let them choose their favorite colors for the animals and clothing, and encourage them to draw their interpretations of the animals. This will help to make the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable.

Continuing the Learning

This worksheet is just the beginning of your child’s French language journey. There are many resources available that can help your child continue to learn and practice French.

One great resource is children’s books in French. Look for books with colorful illustrations and easy-to-understand stories. Read the books aloud with your child and encourage them to follow along.

You can also use French language apps and games to make the learning experience more interactive. Many apps offer fun and engaging games that help children practice their spelling, pronunciation, and grammar skills.

Finally, consider enrolling your child in a French language class or program. These classes can offer structured learning environments and opportunities for your child to practice speaking French with other students.


Learning a new language is a valuable skill that can benefit your child in many ways. By starting early and using fun and engaging resources like this kindergarten learning worksheet, you can help your child develop a love for learning and become confident and successful learners.

So why wait? Download the worksheet today and start your child’s French language journey!